Foreign language management

Are foreign languages a strategic issue?

Contracts, brochures, package inserts, assembly manuals, display text, operating manuals, CAD drawings, menus, emails, flyers, PowerPoint presentations, notes, etc. must all be translated.

Large firms have their own in-house language service while medium-sized companies make use of translation agencies. Every firm has developed its own strategy regarding how a matter is dealt with.

Many companies generate the greater part of their turnover in foreign countries but this matter is not dealt with strategically.

Who would procure a product or service without the relevant information being available in his or her mother tongue, or at best with only a poor translation?


Translations are absolutely necessary, but can be realized at low cost.

Procurement of translations

Anyone who still puts out to tender translation projects is doing something wrong.

Optimal procurement process

The buyer can estimate the value of a translation independently.

Solutions for large and medium-sized companies

We help you to reduce the translation costs by 50%.