The world is changing dramatically and companies with an international presence must face the global challenges of the market. Productivity improvement and process automation are catch-phrases that we encounter daily. Jobs are changing and it is becoming increasingly difficult to source suitable specialists. Firms are therefore investing in software in the hope that one can thereby find a solution to a specific issue. Such projects often fail because software alone does not offer a solution. On the contrary, if processes and goals are not precisely specified before an investment decision is made, the investment will probably be wasted. Expectations are high and the level of frustration is commensurately higher if the desired goal is not achieved. This also applies if the desired objective can only be achieved with a significant amount of overtime.
Outsourcing is also a favourite approach to freeing oneself of an issue. But will a situation improve if one does not already have it under control? An external consultant must also set up processes afresh before success can be achieved. Whoever does not do so will also not be successful. Irrespective of which solution is selected by a company, a satisfactory result will seldom be achieved if that which is required is not specified before a change is made. Many of our customers are already operating at full capacity – so where should the time and know-how for a precise specification come from? Assistance can be given – and the individual chapters clarify the form that this assistance can take. We not only offer advice, but also implement these processes and encourage our customers to evaluate us based on the results we achieve. Globeltag works independently of platforms, as this is the only way of ensuring that we can provide objective advice to our customers.